12 well-known personalities whom we can hold as our Role Models, from various fields ( Drama, Films, Literature, Journalism, Administration, Health, Industry, Science, Information Technology and Social Work ) write on ‘Development of the Individual, Outlook on Life and Social Life’.
These writers are:
- Pratiksha Lonkar
- Rajan Gavas
- Yamaji Malkar
- Sanjay Bhaskar Joshi
- Pankaj Kurulkar
- Subhash Ware
- Lakshmikant Deshmukh
- Atul Kulkarni
- Achyut Godbole
- Dr. Abhijit Vaidya
- Razia Patel and
- Atish Dabholkar.
Editors : Dr. Narendra Dabholkar ( Editor, Weekly Sadhana ) and Vinod Shirsath (Executive Editor, Weekly Sadhana ).