Suspense stories of the most popular Indian detective character - Vyomkesh Bakshi.
Vyomkesh Bakshi (or Byomkesh Bakshi) is a fictional detective in Bengali literature created by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay. He is one of the most successful detective characters in India. Bandyopadhyay once said that these stories can be thought as and read as social novels only.
Detective fiction has never lacked devoted fans. The undying popularity of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot vouch for that fact. In the early thirties, a detective by the name of Vyomkesh Bakshi made an unobtrusive entry into the world of Bengali fiction. He preferred calling himself a Satyanneshi, a seeker of truth, and within days was a household name, courtesy his cerebral skills and the exciting situations he found himseft in. In the tradition of Doyle and Christie, Vyomkesh is accompanied on his adventures by his friend, Ajit, Slightly obtuse and the perfect foil to him.
Vyomkesh Bakshi (1993) directed by Basu Chatterjee was the critically acclaimed television adaptation of the series. Actor Rajit Kapur played the role of Vyomkesh Bakshi, for which he was highly praised. Ajit was played by K.K. Raina and Satyaboti was played by Sukanya Kulkarni who was the first actress to play the character. The series lasted for 33 episodes.
About the Author
Born in 1899, Sharadindu Bandopadhyay is one of the most popular Bengali writers of all time. Perhaps best-known for his detective stories featuring the sleuth Vyomkesh Bakshi, his stories on the theme of reincarnation have been no less admired.